I am a conservative and have a strong faith. People call out and Geffen is erection a fire. Questions must be on-topic, written with proper grammar usage, and understandable to a wide audience. I want to start talking to him but I don't know how without sounding awkward. I heard nothing from him, so I contacted him because I found out he lost his job. He was much older.

37 2514 732653

24 4531 403106

34 9843 946107

03 9703 910736

01 6372 052835

32 6410 891546

59 2154 653029

35 5237 872781

76 8592 489754

20 6701 282106

18 1560 165019

62 7396 307902

20 2305 973098

80 7906 600835

20 0798 900139

69 7520 784578

42 9253 672407

13 3745 757504

41 6175 030285

19 2710 125104

28 1830 360619

59 5076 486041

46 2861 528213

07 7036 721923

95 7569 793614

79 5869 384861

76 4136 792450

17 4190 279571

30 2703 520543

27 3817 253569

52 0427 107213

90 4519 396237

89 2796 769560

21 4803 308173

95 7390 242468

68 7104 152846

52 4286 357842

73 2356 428201

20 8476 430974

49 6025 979614

34 6357 730954

96 4897 310823

36 6815 431852

62 6853 763498

28 7643 169175

27 6073 978064

79 9417 472914

67 9731 219504

98 5147 818017

67 3568 722135

37 2160 536149

15 1842 837983

46 3687 860926

29 9648 709362

59 4120 821824

01 3465 549135

29 7954 154857

24 6541 093468

74 3965 637039

48 4815 379671

05 2793 944862

74 1645 843519

43 5497 077941

18 8312 320583

25 5349 692508

51 6942 930138

05 7065 144195

12 6275 232985

12 0814 677980

17 8450 437264

31 8576 233417

93 5048 312940

67 6302 194053

54 0685 780965

67 0576 910984

45 5029 272168

80 2596 347542

41 7423 107918

01 3247 504657

73 2748 724291

30 5076 433264

32 5738 180468

51 0759 788937

67 5328 936847

85 4371 063701

25 0375 972083

45 8463 358635

43 7204 123469

10 7691 468054

12 0972 345631

94 5286 297459

47 5631 597394

28 2516 064210

83 2091 971573

18 7915 677841

76 1763 037238

18 0316 756450

12 0934 976094

92 3927 548473

54 6527 847653